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Painless Bathroom Remodeling

Painless Bathroom Remodeling

Remodeling a bathroom doesn't have to be a painstaking experience that involves heavy machinery and tearing out walls, doors, and fixtures. In fact, it can be quite a painless overall experience. The desired result of a bathroom remodel is a bathroom that looks different in the end than it did in the beginning. There are simple as well as elaborate changes that can achieve this, but the bottom line is that a completely new look can be had without selling off your firstborn (although if your firstborn is a teenager this may be worth looking into).

Organize It All 2-Tier Shelf with Towel Bars (1753) Amazon.com

A new coat of paint can dramatically change the appearance of a room. In fact it is one of the cheapest ways to do so. Adding color can make a space seem smaller, larger, brighter, bolder, more vivid, and more soothing. It truly is amazing what a little bit of color on your walls can do to enhance a room. If you're feeling really brave you can attempt a faux finish with your painting. There are instruction guides everywhere and home improvement stores often offer regular classes on faux finishes.

Shedding some light on the situation is another way to alter the look of a bathroom. Adding candles, overhead lighting, mirrors, even a lamp can light up corners and make a smaller bathroom seem so much larger. You can also add personality to the room by the lighting you chose. Adding a funky lamp (be sure that the light from the lamp isn't colored) that is brightly colored can bring an element of fun into the room. Adding candles or dimmed lighting can enhance a feeling of calm or serenity in the room. The main point is that there are alternate ways of adding light to a bathroom without needing an electrician and lighting can have a dual purpose as both a design element and a decorative touch.

Changing out tired old hardware such as towel hangers, doorknobs, and drawer pulls are another inexpensive way to change the look of a bathroom without going to excessive expense. You can use the hardware to enhance the moods established by the color and lighting. The really neat thing about the hardware is that most companies today are moving in the direction of mix and match hardware. You don't have to have the exact same style of hardware for every element in your bathroom.

There you have it, several ways to accomplish your bathroom remodeling goals without needing professional help or a loan from Ft. Knox. The important thing to remember is that this is your personal space and should reflect your personality and tastes. If you have a fun side that doesn't want to grow up display elements of that in the room. Also be sure to include something that showcases your partner's nature, it is his or her room as well.