How to Make Coffee Using a Plunger?
Well, I strongly recommend you get a coffee grinder to grind your beans freshly. This will affect the taste a lot, and it will definitely make it taste better. You can buy one here. This plunger (a. k. a. French press) is great and highly rated! For cofee beans click here.

1. Start by heating water to almost boiling temperature, use the just enough for the amount of cups of coffee you'ld like to make.
Top Tip: Always use filtered water. (Distilled & reverse osmosis water is not reccommended.)
2. Grind your coffee beans. If you can set your grinder, set it on coarse.
3. Use 1-2 rounded tablespoons per cup of water. Throw the beans into the plunger.
Top Tip: Add your coffee as fast as possible to the coffee. When you start to smell it, it starts to degrade.
4. Add water steadily to the beans.
Top Tip: Stir the soaked coffee beans a few times.
5. Put the lid with filter onto the plunger. For a small brew, steep 2-3 minutes. For a larger brew, 4 minutes.
6. Begin the plunging. Plunge straight down, this prevents coffee beans from escaping into the filtered coffee.
Caution: Don't plunge too fast, to avoid hot water squirting out at the top!
7. You've got your cup 'o joe, enjoy!