build your own inground pool

Many of us dream to establish on the plot pool.
You can buy ready-made design, or you can build yourself. Just a second embodiment will be discussed in this article.
Today there are several types of pools: a half dug into the ground, aboveground and completely dug into the ground.
Pools are distinguished, and the geometric form: round, oval, square, rectangular.
The easiest way to make a square or rectangular pool. More complex - round and oval. This is due to the fact that it is necessary to observe the correct shape of the basin.
During the construction of swimming pool construction materials used, such as metal, wood, concrete and brick.
By appointment pools are: sports, special, children, clubs, universal, etc.
build your own inground pool
The first thing that comes to mind before the start of construction, and how much to spend funds for the construction of the pool? Offhand make an exact calculation is difficult, but you can determine the approximate cost.
The cheapest will cost structure of the metal. You will need less effort to ensure that its build and install. This design provides excellent sealing. Disadvantages of the metal pool is poor stability and low strength.

You will manage construction of expensive brick. In its construction, and will take more time. But this pool is strong, stable and facing tiles, he looks great.
The best option is the wooden pool. You will spend relatively little time on his erection, but the cost is considerably more expensive than metal.
The advantages of wooden pool is great resistance, strength and integrity.
This design is assembled from glued wood panels, which are impregnated with water-repellent composition. Their assembly is performed in special frames.
Construction of a concrete pool is very expensive and more time for its erection. But in return you get a high integrity, stability and durability.
However, it is worth remembering that this is not an easy task as the building's own swimming pool, is left to professionals. Then you will get just such a pool, we dream about.
build your own inground pool video: