bathroom sink plumbing repair

bathroom sink plumbing repair
Answer: This is usually due to blockage or siphon drainage sewer insoluble in water objects (hair, pieces of cloth, etc.) as well as the accumulation of drainage pipes on the walls of the layer of dirt and grease. Small congestion can be eliminated by using the plunger. When the jam is removed, the water will leave the shell to form a funnel over the issue. If such an operation is doing to the bathroom, which has mobility, protecting it from the overflow, the overflow hole in the pumping should be closed to him pressing a wet rag.
sink drain repair
Answer: If the water drips out of the shell, then something is wrong with a rubber O-ring located between the surface of the shell and release: it, or stretched or cracked, or moved from its place because the nut securing the release to the sink, badly twisted.
Answer: In such cases, the commonly used steel cable. But the cable is not available in every apartment. Therefore we can use a hard rubber hose. One end of the hose is put on the faucet, the other wrapped with a cloth and inserted into the mouth of the flow bath. Hot water, fired under pressure from the hose will help wash away the dirt and body fat. If a suitable thick-walled tube is not a good fit is more subtle. In this case you will need a ring made of solid rubber (in the form of the drain). And in this case, the powerful pressure of hot water from the tap, quickly clean the drain pipe. Unclogging a drain tub, do not forget to close the upper overflow hole (at least with a wet cloth).
Answer: Yes. Attach a hose to the outlet of a vacuum cleaner (not in any way to the entrance!), And the tube extension tube - to the drain hole sinks, washbasins, baths and turn on the vacuum cleaner. A few minutes later the drain is purged. It should be noted that the connection pipe with a drain hole must be dense. This can be achieved by using a rubber ring again, or, in extreme cases, a wet cloth.
Answer: First of all, it is necessary to establish the cause. And there may be several. We consider in turn.
Most often it is the result of loose fitting mechanism. The walls of its spherical part of the time lose their elasticity, and in this case, the mechanism must be replaced.
Leakage is also possible due to corrosion, due to the appearance of growths shells. In this case it is necessary with sandpaper to remove rust from the surface, as well as the necessary first of all check the mounting arm, tighten all the screws.
Leakage of water through the overflow in the tank may occur due to a poor elementary adjust the float valve. Correct the defect can be a simple bending of the lever of the float.
She could wear a rubber gasket in the float valve. It should be replaced. Often the cause of water leaks is a bad nut screwed mounting base overflow. Tighten it can only be removed by the tank. But sometimes, if the nut is stuck to the outer surface of the tank, to fix the overflow is enough to turn it around a vertical axis at 2-3 turns in a clockwise direction without removing the tank. Leakage from the cuff, which connects to the cistern toilet filler, can be detected by taking water from the tank. Poor wear or displaced from the tank to tilt sleeve should pull back on the neck of the toilet tank, pre-straightened. For reliability, the cuff can be attached to the neck collar. If the cuff is parched cracks, it needs to be replaced.
If water is leaking from the place where the hose connects to the cistern, then broke the plastic nut holding the hose. Plastic as a material for nuts - not a very reliable and sometimes crack. In this case, the best solution is to replace the hose.
bathroom sink repair